I can’t believe that this day is already here! Early this morning, the 9 CWS translators and I waved goodbye as the two buses filled with the 2012 Winter Fellows pulled out of the Tamale station and headed for Accra. And with that, our biggest Winter Fellowship Program ever has come to a close.

Thanks to this amazing group of people (and the family and friends that supported their fundraising efforts!!), 4,500 people in rural Ghana now have access to safe drinking water. Before the Fellows’ arrival, every single one of these people were fetching their drinking water from highly contaminated, very turbid, surface water sources called  “dugouts”, which are shared with the community’s livestock. These dugouts are man-made ponds that fill with rainwater during the rainy season, and sit stagnant during the dry months, getting more and more contaminated as time passed.  Now these 9 new villages have permanent access to safe drinking water and 18 new women also have a new source of income – their CWS water business!
This session of Fellows were such a joy to work with! From day 1 it was clear to me and the rest of the CWS staff that they were a really special group. They were inquisitive and interested; passionate about their projects; extremely caring and compassionate when working in their villages; and, most importantly, SUCH a blast!!
Alex, Laura, Matt, Walter, Jasdeep, Ashley, Whitney, Zander, Michelle, Peter, Janelle P, Sarah C, Mark, Brianan, Larissa, Nate, Emma, Janelle T, Hannah, Lindsey, Asia, Luke, Kelly, Caitlin M, Katie, Brittany, Caitlin R, Boyd, Tim, Janna, Kristen, Sarah J, and Melissa,
Sam, Stef, Kathryn, and I have had such a wonderful time getting to know each of you! We all just can’t wait to see what amazing things you do with your futures. Thank you for spending your winter break with us in Ghana – you have helped change the lives of so many people!
Safe Travels!
ps – I realize that we still need to post Team B’s “voices from the field.” Their post is currently with them, on the bus to Accra but we will get it up soon! Don’t worry Ashley, Jasdeep, Walter and Whitney’s family and friends, you will hear their story soon!