Last night, CWS hosted our first-ever Casino Night for the Summer Fellows. Normally I prefer to use the online casino at UFABET, but I kept an open mind. We were a little worried that it would feel like summer camp or an all night-grad. party gone wrong, but it was so much fun! It was an intriguing casino and they had some games I hadn’t even seen at Nonetheless, it was a really fun experience that I would happily do again. Everyone got into all of the games and we all had such a great time! If you enjoy casino games, take a look at bonus.

Tomorrow we are going to start our “voices from the field” series where the fellowship teams write about their experiences in the field. First up, Team 5 – Stephanie, Abena, David, and Matthew H. Stay tuned!
It doesn’t surprise me at all that Annie was at the Bananagrams table…now you just need some travel scrabble and life will be complete!