Another day, another guest blogger! Here’s what Fellowship Leader Hannah Stonebraker has to say about Day 4 of the Summer Fellowship Program:
And they’re off!! As of yesterday all seven teams are out in their villages!
In the morning we heard presentations from two UNICEF officers, highlighting their Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programs as well as their Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) initiative. The presentations sparked everyone’s interest, and resulted in a fascinating question and answer session as we all expanded our knowledge on the sanitation situation in the rural villages.
Foster Soley from Unicef presenting to the Fellows
After a thoroughly Ghanaian lunch of groundnut soup and rice balls, the fellows and respective translators all loaded into vehicles and headed to the field to check out their villages for the first time:
Team 1, the “team elders, ” with T.J. preparing to brave the road to Gbateni, the farthest village. After setting up their meeting yesterday they return today to talk to the Chief!Team 2, “nothing but net,” with Shak, right before they went out and had a meeting with the Chief of their village, Kushimi.Team 3, all sporting their shades, with Ayesha gets ready for the drive to their village, Kpalbguni (which I still can’t pronounce)Team 4, “salaminga snails,” (salaminga meaning white person), poses with the always stylish Peter against the trusty CWS pick-up truck. After successfully setting up their chief meeting in Takpuli for this morning, they decided they would use their extra time to help Peter build an addition on his house!Team 5, “pineapple express,” (sadly minus david) pauses for a moment with Wahab, before they head out to Jabrang to request a chief meeting. Full of anticipation they return this morning to talk to the chief and elders.Team 6, with Lukeman (center), and their faithful taxi driver Hamza (left) get stoked to explore their village Kedula.The team 7 girls, “fufu fighters,” (minus Heather) head out with Amin to Kula. Upon arrival in Kula they found a large rainwater tank already in use, though it only provides clean water for two months of the year. The girls return today to further explore the possibility of working in the village and coordinating with whoever is running the rainwater collection site.
All teams returned pumped for the progress in their projects, as they all get one step closer to providing more people with direly needed clean water!