Recently, CWS decided to provide free safe storage containers and free water to the schools in our villages. Safe drinking water is so important, and we wanted to be sure that the children had access to clean water throughout the day. We also hope that by teaching the kids at the school about the importance of safe water and safe storage, that they will pass on the lessons to their parents and siblings at home. Here are some pictures from our water lessons in the Gbong school yesterday:

I took these next pictures in the lab last weekend and just had to share them with everyone. First, we have a water sample from the Gbong dugout:

And here is a sample of water from someone in Gbong’s safe storage container:

Quite a difference huh? Remember, the “after” water originally came from the dugout – 24 hours later + alum and chlorine and it safe to drink. Pretty awesome!
And on a completely un-related note, I just finished the book Born to Run By Christopher McDougall, which combined both of my favorite pastimes in Ghana: reading and running. I was inspired to snap a few pics during one of evening runs:
After reading Born to Run I was tempted to try running barefoot! But then I chickened out and laced up these bad boys:
Tamale may not be as hilly as the Cooper Canyons in Mexico, but I still think the Tarahumara would be impressed by the Terrain:
(I love how the blurry iPhone photo makes it seem like I was running super fast!)