Hey everyone! Team Nestor here, ready to breakdown a day of monitoring in our community. The monitoring process provides our team yet other chance to interact with the community on a household to household basis. Excitement was running rampant as we bounced from compound to compound across Gbunja. Everyone was so elated that they finally had clean water to provide to their family. One woman in particular went out and bought each member of her family a special cup to use in combination with their household’s safe storage container. The monitoring process not only allowed us to make deeper personal connections with the members of the community but it also allowed us to quickly troubleshoot any leaky taps or buckets.

After a finishing our monitoring rounds in the community, our team had time to sit and bond with the young children of Gbunja. We played soccer with the young boys, practiced English with the ever so curious young girls and set up a trajectory towards success for the women running the community water center.