Opening day has come and gone, and we are now proud to say that the people of Tinkpaglanyili now have ready access to clean water. In order to ensure full enjoyment of this blog post, water puns will be made throughout – so sit back, relax, and enjoy wet we’re doing.

We spent all day on Tuesday prepping for our big day. This preparation included getting water from the town’s water source, a well, and transferring it to our water system for treatment, as well as, giving safe storage containers to every single household in the community(which mainly consisted of giving informational talks and directing all of the children who had taken the containers over as their own to the households for distribution). We had a total of 29 households to distribute to, making for a long process. Long story short – we were able to distribute all of the containers before opening day, and did so with no aqua-ward moments in the process.

When we arrived in the village on Wednesday morning, we were greeted by smiling faces eager to get clean water. Taking care to make sure the polytank was full and treated, the entrepreneurs of our community were ready for their first day on the job of water sales. Like a well prepared soccer team, the women of the community were ready to assist the entrepreneurs in their task. This started with a giant bucket washing party with the clean water from the polytank – to avoid contamination. After this frenzy of cleaning and excitement, the filling process began. This started with much enthusiasm and soon led to confusion with water going from bucket to bucket and taps leaking left and right, our team could only ask at some points “Water you doing????” Working through the language barrier, and with the entrepreneurs, we were able to sort out the confusion, and successfully got clean water into every household in the community. ~Well, well, well,~ all we can say is that great leaps and bounds were made in the community.