The communities all you CWS fellowship alumni and supporters have connected with are a long way from your homes and dorms. With the help of our CWS monitoring website, this physical distance doesn’t have to feel so far! If you haven’t already, check out
This website is what we use to keep staff spread across different continents up-to-date with the latest monthly news from every one of our partner villages. Each month, I upload summaries, pictures, video and graphs from all our communities to this site, and getting access to them is as simple as clicking on your village on the map! Alternatively, you can search by your village’s name to find a complete history of updates.

But please don’t just sit back and watch your village rock. You also have the chance to upload anything you like to give the world a better picture of those people you worked side by side with. Pictures, reflections on your time, salutations and constructive criticisms are all welcome on this platform! Send a message to Baba, the boy you bought a uniform in Kpalbusi, and see how his year of school went. Or check in with Muneera and send her your congratulations on her new baby in Chani! Its so simple – just hit “Submit a Report” and take it away!

I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to see your hard work pay off month by month. And don’t be surprised if you see an assemblyman or schoolboy post right back – for 10 peswas even the most basic phone in Kpanayili can get access to this site.
Looking forward to seeing your contributions!