Today is my last official day in Ghana! I can’t believe how quickly these two months went by. I have spent the last week preparing Peter for my departure. We put together new monitoring forms for him, and then had a practice run- where he went to the villages without me and filled out his monitoring forms which we then reviewed. He did a great job and I am confident that he will be able to handle anything that may come up while I am gone. Right now, the plan is for me to be in the States for the holidays where I will work on fundraising with the rest of the CWS team. If the fundraising goes well, then I will hopefully be back in Ghana in late winter/early spring. We’ll be sure to keep everyone posted! If you are interested in supporting our work please visit to learn more about donating to our cause!
The Saha Team
Fun In Mole!
Last weekend Lisa (my roommate), Maria (her boss), Shak (good friend and former Pure Home Water employee) and I went to Mole National Park for a fun Ghananian adventure. Even though the rainy season is not the best time to see animals in the park, it was nice to get out of town for a couple days! Here are some pics of the animals that we DID get to see.

Ready for Day 2. We told our guide that we were not going home until we saw an elephant! Fresh elephant footprints! Time to start tracking.... Elephant or big foot? Treking through the bush - determined to find our elephant (sorry but I couldn't get the picture to flip the right way..) We found you! Too bad the grass was too high to get a good pic.... 🙂
Arrived in Accra!
2o hours, one forgotten passport, two flights, and one very long lay-over after arriving at Logan airport, I have arrived safely in Accra! I was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful weather here! I am used to stepping off the plane and being immediately hit by either a painfully humid heat wave (in the summer) or cloud of dusty, dry heat (in the winter). But today was fabulous! About 75 degrees with a nice breeze! I hope this is typical “fall” weather that stays for the next two months!
I’m staying at the wonderful Chez Lien guest house (with internet and AC!) for the night and heading up to Tamale (very) early tomorrow morning. Although I do think Chez Lien is great, I’m not the biggest fan of Accra and can’t wait to get up North to see our CWS staff members and friends!

Leaving for Ghana Today!
I am so excited to be heading back to Ghana today! I can’t wait to check in on the treatment centers in Kasaligu and Nyamaliga and see all of the friends that we have made there (like these ladies)!
I land in Accra tomorrow afternoon and plan to head up to Tamale shortly after. Stay tuned for updates from the field!