Saha Global knows that young people have the skills, intellect and determination required to solve some of the world’s greatest problems. Through our Global Leadership Program, we provide young leaders the opportunity to harness their passions and knowledge in an impactful way. Since 2008, our three-week Global Leadership Program has trained hundreds of volunteer Field Representatives to help us launch women-owned businesses that provide clean water to an entire rural community in northern Ghana. Learn more about how you can work with Saha in Ghana for 3 weeks here!

Water Businesses
Saha Global water entrepreneurs use local products to treat contaminated water from their community and make it safe to drink. They then sell this water at an affordable price. more

Solar Businesses
Saha Global solar entrepreneurs run businesses that provide electricity to members of their community. more
Featured Entrepreneur
Samata from Gurumanchayili

Featured Fellow Alumni
Jeremy Lakin, 2016 Winter Water Field Rep