What We Do

Water Treatment Centers


Saha trains women from rural villages how to launch simple water treatment centers  that provide safe water to their community at a price that all can afford. For the past twelve years, Saha Global has worked exclusively in the Northern Region of Ghana, where we have 464  water treatment centers that provide safe drinking water to 138,816 people.

Six Steps to Clean Drinking Water

1. Community Engagement

Saha works with local governments to identify villages that rely solely on contaminated surface water sources. Local leaders nominate two to five women to become Saha entrepreneurs.

2. Startup Toolkit

We provide each business with locally available materials to build a water treatment center in the village, including a 1,000- liter Polytank, a metal Polytank stand, and three blue 200-liter drums.

3. Women’s Training

Women learn to treat the water from contaminated sources to make it safe to drink and to run the water treatment center, including pricing, frequency of treatment, and social marketing.

4. Community Education

Saha visits every household in the village to educate families about clean water and distribute safe storage containers (SSCs) that prevent water re-contamination in the home.

5. Water Treatment

Women entrepreneurs fetch dirty water from the dugout, fill up the drums, and treat the water with aluminum sulfate that causes sediments to settle to the bottom of the drums, leaving the water clear. They transfer the clear water into the Polytank where they disinfect it with chlorine. They sell the treated water for a price that everyone in the village can afford. Villagers then store the treated water in SSCs.

6. Customer Care

Women entrepreneurs receive ongoing mentoring from Saha. We monitor water quality and consumption in the village for a minimum of 10 years.

. Click through the picture gallery below to learn more about the treatment processes currently in use at the water businesses in Ghana.